Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The Circle K has a time machine. And it takes you to 1987!

This year Halloween seemed to be a never ending abyss of alcohol, candy and costumes. If it wasn't Halloween related it wasn't worth your time. I made the most of my Yoloween by dressing up 4 times! Yes not once, not twice, four times! As you can see below there were many fun costumes! I will spare you the sight of the more "NSFW" pics by showing you these fun ones! YAY!

Leigh in her E.T. costume that she made all by herself! She is soo talented!!

Toni and I dressed as Psy and Johnny Depp. 

Thank god for this mask...I was over dressing up at this point. 

Alyssa and Andy as the raver and Dia De Los Mickey Mouse! CUTE!

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